Monday, May 25, 2020


Pie blueberry

Wood working

Another dada poem

You are in love with two women
Those are not hateful people!
Those are not going anywhere near the end
We are not a glob of this generation

The fact that they were able to do it,
The founding fathers died in a car accident
The fact is that a conspiracy theory of evolution is not even close to being gay
We should shop to understand the importance of my daughter

You are here!
The sleeper cells and dragons if they are pregnant
The pope has been made in your mind
Real estate agents are not going to be put in the world of Warcraft

Anarchy freedom


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Dada poem 2

Dada poem

I don't get it is not good
The founding fathers died in a car
Those of you who have never been laid
I can't wait to be home around a group of people

I don't know what reality is.
I can't wait to be home around a group of the king
We have a new job and sorcery is the best of dead white guys
The fact that the universe is a group of God from the mathematician
We have a crush on you
Real talk about Hitler and Stalin,
It is called reconstruction of a logic system,

The fact is that a conspiracy theory
We are not hateful people who suffered from outer space
I am sorry for being born in your first today
The sleeper awakens in a while ago

Friday, May 15, 2020

Change it

๐ŸŒนh?ttp w2ww socialsciencecollective org dialectical-materialism-contributes-understanding-natural-sciences/

but abortion is still happening in many states.

  Timothy,    Roe v. Wade  is ended, but abortion is still happening in many states.    Many people - and elected politicians! - donโ€™t reali...